Maurice Jenkens
The Intuitive Leader™
78% of the CEOs surveyed say it is increasingly challenging to navigate risks and opportunities (1). Intuitive leadership empowers leaders to do better and faster decision-making. Using the power of science-based Intuition helps to future-proof the organisation by becoming better in navigating uncertainties and unknowns.
The Intuitive Leader™ aligns a culture of trust with profitability. A culture of Trust creates sustainable growth and superior investment returns (2). Among other by the ability to trust one's own judgment to stay Strategic while helping others to better trust their intuition.
In essence intuitive leadership is an anchored self-trust in ones own inner knowing and the ability to translate that into meaningful action.
Intuitive leadership is the ability to use both analytical and intuitive thinking and to align rational and intuitive intelligence. Intuitive leadership allows for leaders to combine data and gutfeel when making decisions or when reading the room for navigating relationships.
1. Intuition and decision-making
2. Intuition to stay Strategic
3. Intuitive Leadership and Psychological Safety unlock valuable Tacit Knowledge
4. Intuition increases self-confidence in leadership
5. How do you know it is your intuition?
6. Decoding Intuition™ - Science-based
7. Community The Intuitive Leader™
As a leader you have to make decisions yourself, but also to facilitate for other leaders like middle-management to dare to make decisions. Or, daring to fail in the process.
AI beats us in processing data. But we beat AI on relations and we SHOULD make the decisions. So: let AI do the analysis, while we focus on relations and decision making.
In the words of a former CEO in the financial sector and currently a senior investor long since financially independent:
Intuition has value in its own right, but it also facilitates better decision making. Maybe it is not always bang-on, but it points us in the right direction. It then takes an open and honest discussion to verify and validate.
About 50% of all leaders in the Global West are constantly battling fatigue or the feeling of being overwhelmed (3). It happens easily that you get distracted or bogged down in a swamp of todo's and we all know how important it is to stay strategic.
One of my course participants told me literally that this is exactly what intuition helps you with.
Intuition helps me stay strategic, it makes it easier for me to zoom out when needed and then to stay focused on what's really important.
Psychological safety is a key ingredient in the mix of trust based, intuitive leadership. Honesty, openness and a non-judgemental culture, increase innovative ideas allowing for valuable Tacit Knowledge that people or a group silently inhibit to be aired and discussed.
And spreading this culture starts at the top with a CEO of a bigger company telling me:
We didn't pay all these huge salaries to hire the best managers for them to not use their own good judgment. We have to trust their decisions.
A senior Chief Revenue Officer once told me he had done well so far in his career and he relied heavily on his strong analytical skills because that gave him a sense of security. It simply felt safe to talk about data points and processes.
Needless to say that analytical skills have value in their own right, but he felt that he had hit a ceiling in his role as a leader.
Dealing with people is an art that numbers can't teach us. At some point a mentor told him:
You are excellent with analysis, but you have to trust your gut more if you are to progress in your leadership.
What? Can I trust my gut? An entire new world opened up for me.
This is probably the most asked question on this topic. How do you know it is not fantasy, "just" fears or wishful thinking?
As one experienced and senior manager once shared with me: "I believe in intuition, yet how do I know what I am feeling is true? Or how can I trust myself? How can I trust this really is my intuition and not something else?
How do you know that you know?
The answer lies in how your intuition resonates within you. Quite literally your intuition has a specific and unique Inner Resonates Signature. I have one, you have one and we all have one, but as it seems slightly different from each other.
It is our job to identify, analyse and get friendly with that inner resonance signature.
The scientific name for this work is intero-septive work, using our (scientifically proven) intero-septive sense the ability to be aware of internal sensations in the body (5). This is also known as introspecting (to "look inside") and the ability to detect inner signals, like for example the very real Gut-feel.
Once we have established a clear connection with our inner resonance signature, we grow more confident in the ability to differ between 'just a feeling' or 'just a thought' and an intuitive feeling or an intuitive thought.
During the years I have been interviewing dozens and dozens of leaders, entrepreneurs and leading academics on topic intuitive leadership as well as studying literature on intuition. And I have been applying intuitive skills myself at work since 2001.
On the back of that combined knowledge, I have built a program for leaders called Decoding Intuition™.
The Program has 3 main pillars:
1. Science based and in line with modern research and academic works
2. Proven method and evidence based
3. Everything (to the detail) is based on my own experiences
To phrase one CEO of her experience of the program:
This levels-up my career. I can now identify my gut feeling and it helps me make better decisions.
Intuition has given me a feeling of psychological safety in myself. It helps me in creating psychological safety in my team.
This program is very much about self-trust and about the transfer of trust. I feel much more confident as a leader and I am more likely to speak up with confidence and inject that into the team.
We are building a community of Intuitive Leaders™ - and you are welcome to pitch in your experiences!
Thank you!
Maurice Jenkens
1. Disruption Index study from AlixPartners (2024)
2. Trust Across America and superior investments
3. Future Forum Pulse Numbers from 2022
4. Global Think-Tank of Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (TKM)
5. American Psychological Association (April 2023)
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